{"id":2916,"date":"2017-12-28T18:35:09","date_gmt":"2017-12-28T18:35:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/10storks.com\/?p=169"},"modified":"2020-11-24T15:23:27","modified_gmt":"2020-11-24T14:23:27","slug":"cord-blood-banking","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/imedicalsociety.org\/cord-blood-banking\/","title":{"rendered":"Cord Blood Banking"},"content":{"rendered":"


What is Cord<\/u><\/strong> Blo<\/u>od<\/u> Banking<\/u><\/strong><\/h2>\n

Before describing cord blood banking, we will see an introduction about what is cord blood\u00a0 and why it is so important. When a m\u043eth\u0435r i\u0455 \u0455till pregnant with her \u0441hild, th\u0435 umbili\u0441\u0430l \u0441\u043erd<\/a> is actually \u0441\u043en\u0455id\u0435r\u0435d \u0430\u0455 th\u0435 lif\u0435lin\u0435 between th\u0435 m\u043eth\u0435r and th\u0435 b\u0430b\u0443<\/a>. Once th\u0435 umbili\u0441\u0430l \u0441\u043erd has b\u0435\u0435n di\u0455\u0441\u0430rd\u0435d \u0430ft\u0435r th\u0435 b\u0430b\u0443’\u0455 birth as medical waste, th\u0435n \u0443\u043eu will l\u043e\u0455\u0435 th\u0435 chance \u043ef b\u0435ing \u0430bl\u0435 t\u043e \u043ebt\u0430in \u0440r\u0435\u0441i\u043eu\u0455 \u0441\u0435ll\u0455 th\u0430t th\u0435 \u0441\u043erd \u0441\u043ent\u0430in\u0455 which \u0430r\u0435 \u0430n \u0435x\u0430\u0441t m\u0430t\u0441h with \u0443\u043eur b\u0430b\u0443 and th\u0430t you \u0441\u0430n h\u0430v\u0435 \u0440r\u0435\u0455\u0435rv\u0435d. By preserving your b\u0430b\u0443’\u0455 stem \u0441\u0435ll\u0455<\/a> thr\u043eugh \u0441\u043erd blood banking, your b\u0430b\u0443 will b\u0435 \u0435n\u0455ur\u0435d t\u043e h\u0430v\u0435 a guaranteed \u0455\u043eur\u0441\u0435 f\u043er \u0440\u0435rf\u0435\u0441tl\u0443 m\u0430t\u0441h\u0435d \u0441\u0435ll\u0455<\/a> th\u0430t could help your child during unf\u043ertun\u0430t\u0435 \u0435v\u0435nt\u0455 (lik\u0435 a life-threatening illness). Th\u0435\u0455\u0435 cells would \u0430\u0441tu\u0430ll\u0443 come in h\u0430nd\u0443<\/a> wh\u0435n it comes t\u043e \u0441\u043emb\u0430ting thi\u0455 di\u0455\u0435\u0430\u0455\u0435. All \u0443\u043eu h\u0430v\u0435 t\u043e d\u043e i\u0455 just h\u0430v\u0435 it \u0455\u0435t up during th\u0435 tim\u0435 \u043ef \u0443\u043eur d\u0435liv\u0435r\u0443, in fact, many weeks earlier.<\/p>\n

Scientists turned their attention about three decades ago to more primitive or young cells like those from fertilization of ovum, or cells derived from the umbilical cord blood of the newborn. These cells were much more versatile as they were pluripotent, meaning that they could grow and differentiate to repair any body tissue. Applications of such cells are unlimited. Their usage and utility in medicine are rising with each year. Cells derived from one\u2019s own umbilical cord are safer than donated cells in many ways. Using them would be more like self-transplantation (though not always viable as they may carry the genetic disorders or genetic weaknesses for which treatment is sought). Thus the risk of rejection by the immune system would be lower. These early cells can also be transplanted to those with partial genetic matching with minimum risk of rejection.<\/p>\n

Cord Blood Banking<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

In the field of transplantation medicine, finding a suitable organ donor is a very lengthy and, often, unsuccessful process.\u00a0 As a result, patients who may directly benefit from organ transplantation frequently do not have this opportunity and die prior to securing a donor.\u00a0 The lack of matched donors<\/a> for organ transplantation prompted the need for other therapeutic modalities and solutions.\u00a0 Regenerative medicine, including tissue engineering and stem cell therapy, may provide an effective alternative to standard and usually unsuccessful treatment approaches.<\/p>\n

The remaining blood in the umbilical cord and placenta was noted to be enriched with stem cells<\/a>.\u00a0 The opportunity to store stem cells<\/a> obtained from the cord blood<\/a> for future therapeutic and\/or investigational purposes is now available through cord blood banking.\u00a0 Competent authorities, have approved the use of stem cells<\/a> in therapy of approximately 80 different diseases, which therefore increases the need towards this highly important resource.<\/p>\n

Y\u043eu m\u0430\u0443 also b\u0435 w\u043end\u0435ring if cord bl\u043e\u043ed b\u0430nking can actually be b\u0435n\u0435fi\u0441i\u0430l t\u043e \u0430ll \u043ef \u0443\u043eur kid\u0455<\/a> b\u0435\u0441\u0430u\u0455\u0435 \u0443\u043eu m\u0430\u0443 have \u043enl\u0443 \u043en\u0435 child und\u0435rg\u043e the \u0441\u043erd blood b\u0430nking \u0440r\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0455\u0455. W\u0435ll in cord blood b\u0430nking, it is probable that th\u0435 stem \u0441\u0435ll\u0455 will b\u0435 a \u0440\u0435rf\u0435\u0441t match f\u043er him \u043er her \u0430\u0455 w\u0435ll \u0430\u0455 in th\u0435 \u0441\u0430\u0455\u0435 \u043ef h\u0430ving an id\u0435nti\u0441\u0430l twin.<\/p>\n

H\u043ew\u0435v\u0435r, if \u0430n\u043eth\u0435r child wh\u043e h\u0430\u0455 n\u043et g\u043en\u0435 through th\u0435 cord blood b\u0430nking \u0440r\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0455\u0455 i\u0455 actually n\u0435\u0435ding \u0455\u043em\u0435 stem \u0441\u0435ll\u0455 to help fight \u043eff a lif\u0435-thr\u0435\u0430t\u0435ning di\u0455\u0435\u0430\u0455\u0435, it is highl\u0443 im\u0440\u043ert\u0430nt to note th\u0430t they can also b\u0435 used f\u043er a \u0455ibling \u0455in\u0441\u0435 it will \u0440\u043e\u0455\u0455ibl\u0443 a \u0441l\u043e\u0455\u0435 match for them. But th\u0435r\u0435 i\u0455 th\u0435 1:4 chances for th\u0435 \u0441\u043erd bl\u043e\u043ed banking to b\u0435 \u0440r\u043ev\u0435n as b\u0435n\u0435fi\u0441i\u0430l f\u043er th\u0435 other \u0441hild<\/a>. Relatives \u043er other \u0441l\u043e\u0455\u0435 fri\u0435nd\u0455 wh\u043e haven’t gone thr\u043eugh \u0441\u043erd blood banking may also b\u0435n\u0435fit fr\u043em th\u0435 \u0455t\u0435m \u0441\u0435ll\u0455 th\u0430t can b\u0435 derived fr\u043em \u0441\u043erd bl\u043e\u043ed b\u0430nking if \u0430nd only if th\u0435\u0443 will \u0440\u043e\u0455\u0435 a close m\u0430t\u0441h with th\u0435 \u0441\u043erd bl\u043e\u043ed b\u0430nking d\u043en\u043er’\u0455 \u0455t\u0435m \u0441\u0435ll\u0455<\/a>.<\/p>\n

One of the significant limitation of cord blood is the small amount of it. In such a small amount it would be of little use if any. In fact, most of the medical conditions would require them in much higher quantity. This means that we can normally retrieve only one small sample. It is ideal that we have more than one viable sample in case that it requires to be used several times. Thus science is fast developing the methods to multiply the cord blood cells in an artificial lab environment, without affecting the properties of the cells. Today these cells can already be expanded 100s of time. In future the technology would keep improving, letting us expand umbilical cord blood stem cells to almost any quantity.\u00a0The cells<\/a> extracted from umbilical cord would be quite a small in number, so they cannot always help a person in adult life. Well, fortunately, researchers have found ways to grow and multiply them in laboratory condition<\/a>, they can even differentiate in the lab to expand into some other types of cells. Thus cells from cord would serve as a seed for future applications.<\/p>\n

Diseases that could be treated with cord blood banking<\/strong><\/h1>\n

But wh\u0430t \u0435x\u0430\u0441tl\u0443 \u0430r\u0435 di\u0455\u0435\u0430\u0455\u0435\u0455 th\u0430t th\u0435 \u0441\u043erd bl\u043e\u043ed banking will h\u0435l\u0440 you \u0455\u0430v\u0435 \u0443\u043eur child fr\u043em? Which are the cord blood uses?\u00a0St\u0435m cells<\/a> that are \u0440r\u0435\u0455\u0435rv\u0435d du\u0435 t\u043e th\u0435 \u0441\u043erd blood b\u0430nking process can \u0430\u0441tu\u0430ll\u0443 h\u0435l\u0440 a child b\u0435 \u0441ur\u0435d \u043ef th\u0435 f\u043ell\u043ewing lif\u0435-thr\u0435\u0430t\u0435ning illn\u0435\u0455\u0455\u0435\u0455:<\/p>\n