Shingles in the face: causes, course, prognosis

Shingles in the face: causes, course, prognosis

Shingles in the face: causes, course, prognosis Shingles in the face is relatively common and often associated with complications: The pathogen can cause damage to the eye, ear and facial nerves. In addition, unsightly scars can remain. Read more about the shingles on your face! This is how shingles develop in the face A shingles…

AIDS and HIV: description, symptoms, treatment

AIDS and HIV: description, symptoms, treatment

AIDS and HIV: description, symptoms, treatment AIDS is an acquired immunodeficiency disease. It is the final stage of HIV infection. The HI virus attacks certain cells of the immune system. It is mainly transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse. An HIV infection is not yet curable, but can now be treated well. Read here what AIDS…

Alcohol withdrawal: procedure, duration, withdrawal symptoms

Alcohol withdrawal: procedure, duration, withdrawal symptoms

Alcohol withdrawal: procedure, duration, withdrawal symptoms Alcohol withdrawal (detoxification) is the first step on the way out of alcohol dependency. During withdrawal, the body is first detoxified and the physical dependence on alcohol is overcome. Severe physical and psychological symptoms can occur. Alcohol withdrawal should therefore not be attempted without medical supervision! Read here about…

Syphilis: symptoms, infection, cause, treatment

Syphilis: symptoms, infection, cause, treatment

Syphilis: symptoms, infection, cause, treatment Syphilis is an infectious disease. It is triggered by a bacterium and is mainly transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse. Typical first symptoms are ulcers on the genitals and swelling of the lymph nodes. As the disease progresses, the bacteria can cause severe organ damage and even lead to death. Read…

Spinal stenosis: causes, symptoms, therapy

Spinal stenosis: causes, symptoms, therapy

Spinal canal stenosis: causes, symptoms, therapy In spinal canal stenosis (spinal stenosis, spinal stenosis, spinal canal stenosis), the canal in the spine through which the spinal cord passes is narrowed. The resulting pressure on the spinal cord, nerves and blood vessels can cause back pain and permanent nerve damage. In most cases, a spinal canal…

Sun allergy: description, trigger, symptoms, treatment

Sun allergy: description, trigger, symptoms, treatment

Sun allergy: description, trigger, symptoms, treatment A sun allergy is actually not a real allergy in most cases. The colloquial term rather describes various diseases that are triggered by a reaction to sunlight. What they all have in common is that the body’s natural protective mechanism against UV rays fails, resulting in symptoms such as…



Cystitis A bladder infection (also known as cystitis or cystitis) is unpleasant: burning sensation when urinating and a frequent urge to urinate are typical symptoms that can cause discomfort to those affected. In the vast majority of cases, a bladder infection is harmless and quickly cured. Read here which symptoms also indicate a bladder infection,…

Diaphragmatic hernia: causes, symptoms, treatment

Diaphragmatic hernia: causes, symptoms, treatment

Diaphragmatic hernia: Description In a diaphragmatic hernia, medically called hiatus hernia, parts of the abdominal organs are displaced through an opening in the diaphragm (diaphragm) into the chest (thorax). The dome-shaped diaphragm consists of muscle and tendon tissue. It separates the chest from the abdominal cavity. It is also considered the most important respiratory muscle….

Lactose intolerance: causes; triggers, symptoms, treatment

Lactose intolerance: causes; triggers, symptoms, treatment

Lactose intolerance: short overview Causes: Deficiency of the enzyme lactase, bacteria produce gases and acids in the large intestine Symptoms: Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, bloating, intestinal wind, feeling of fullness, nausea, unspecific symptoms such as headaches Diagnosis: H2 breath test, diet/exposure test, symptoms alone provide insufficient evidence Treatment: Adaptation of diet, avoidance of dairy products, lactase…

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