Food poisoning: symptoms, causes, treatment

Food poisoning: symptoms, causes, treatment

Food poisoning: symptoms, causes, treatment Food poisoning is caused by the consumption of food that is spoiled by poisons or pathogens (such as bacteria). Typical symptoms are stomach pain, diarrhoea and vomiting. Mild food poisoning usually heals on its own within a few days. In more severe cases, however, patients must be treated in hospital….

Burnout: symptoms, causes, prevention

Burnout: symptoms, causes, prevention

Burnout: symptoms, causes, prevention Burnout describes a state of deep emotional, physical and mental exhaustion. Those affected have difficulty concentrating and make many mistakes. Some also lose energy for their private lives. Burnout is usually attributed to excessive demands and stress at work. But the causes are manifold. How to recognise burnout, how to protect…

Gallstones: Description, causes, symptoms

Gallstones: Description, causes, symptoms

Gallstones: Description, causes, symptoms Gallstones are crystallized components of the bile. They can develop in the gallbladder or bile duct, favoured by factors such as obesity, female sex and family predisposition. In most cases gallstones do not cause any complaints. Depending on their location and size, however, they can also cause pain – from moderate…

Neurodermatitis: symptoms, trigger, therapy

Neurodermatitis: symptoms, trigger, therapy

Neurodermatitis: symptoms, trigger, therapy Neurodermatitis (atopic eczema, atopic dermatitis) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that occurs in relapses. It is accompanied by excruciating itching. It often affects the scalp, face and hands. Read more about symptoms, causes and triggers, treatment and prognosis of neurodermatitis! Neurodermatitis: short overview What is neurodermatitis? Chronic or chronic recurrent…

Inflammation of renal pelvis: symptoms, causes, therapy

Inflammation of renal pelvis: symptoms, causes, therapy

Inflammation of renal pelvis: symptoms, causes, therapy Inflammation of  renal pelvis (pyelonephritis, PN) is a mostly bacterial infection of the renal pelvis. This is the funnel-shaped cavity in the kidneys where urine collects before it continues to enter the bladder via the ureter. Inflammation of the renal pelvis is usually the result of an ascending…

Hemorrhoids: Home remedies

Hemorrhoids: Home remedies that help What helps against hemorrhoids? There are some hemorrhoid home remedies that can relieve symptoms well. In severe cases of illness they can support orthodox medical treatment. Read all about “What to do about hemorrhoids”! Haemorrhoid home remedies: food and drink The best home remedies for haemorrhoids are often the simplest:…

Chlamydia: symptoms, infection, treatment

Chlamydia: symptoms, infection, treatment Chlamydia infection is caused by bacteria. It can cause various clinical pictures. Depending on the chlamydia subgroup, the genitals, eyes or respiratory tract are mainly affected. Here you can read all the important information about: What are Chlamydia? What symptoms do they cause? How can a chlamydial infection be treated? Chlamydia…

Oral thrush: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Oral thrush: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Oral thrush: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention Oral thrush is an infection in the mouth and throat area with certain yeast fungi, in most cases Candida albicans. The mouth fungus attacks for example the inside of the cheeks and lips, sometimes also the tongue (tongue fungus) and the palate. Characteristic for oral thrush are whitish coatings…

Sacroiliac joint syndrome: Diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

Sacroiliac joint syndrome: Diagnosis, treatment, prognosis The sacroiliac joint syndrome describes a disease of the lower spine and pelvis. The sacroiliac joint connects the spine with the pelvis. Signs of wear and tear, incorrect strain or accidents can be the cause of sacroiliac joint syndrome and lead to pain. Read more about the signs and…

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